投稿时间:2012-03-09  修订日期:2012-04-11  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 2558
全文下载次数: 795
鲍蕾蕾 解放军第411医院药学科,上海 200434 annabao212@hotmail.com 
陈海飞 解放军第411医院药学科,上海 200434  
卞俊 解放军第411医院药学科,上海 200434  
袁兵 解放军第411医院药学科,上海 200434  
中文摘要:目的 初步观察健步关节胶囊对实验性兔膝骨关节病的治疗作用,并初步探讨其作用机制。 方法 将30只健康的新西兰大白兔分成5组,每组6只,分别为模型组(蒸馏水)、阳性药组(硫酸氨基葡萄糖胶囊)、健步关节胶囊低、中、高剂量组。家兔膝关节注射木瓜蛋白酶建立膝关节病模型。造模第2天开始给药,6周后心脏取血,测定血清中NO和SOD的含量。同时处死动物,取膝关节滑膜制成病理切片,观察药物对关节滑膜的影响。 结果 健步关节胶囊各剂量组能不同程度的提高兔膝关节病血清中的SOD活性,中、高剂量组和阳性药组SOD活性与模型组相
中文关键词:健步关节胶囊  骨关节病  一氧化氮  超氧化物歧化酶
The effect of Jianbu Guanjie Capusule on level of correlative ingredients in osteoarthropathy model of rabbit
Abstract:Objective To discuss the protection and mechanism of Jianbu Guanjie Capusule( JBGJ capsule) to the knee osteoarthritis of rabbit. Methods Thirty healthy New Zealand rabbits were divided into five groups randomly with parallel control methods.The five groups were model group, positive group, low dose group, middle dose group and high dose group, respectively.The osteoarthropathy of knee joint model was built according to the Japanese KangYan standard.The rabbits were given the drug in the next day after the model establishment. After six weeks, animal serum and slippery membranes were collected to be detected. Results The activity of SOD in serum was improved in the middle, high dose group and positive group, which had significant different with the model group(P<0.05).The nitric oxide (NO) in serum was raised in low, middle and high dose group. The middle dose group had significant different with the model group. Conclusion JBGJ capsule could improve the activity of Superoxide dismutase (SOD) in serum and the level of NO, which could obviously improved the pathological alteration in osteoarthropathy model of rabbit.
keywords:Jianbu Guanjie capsule  osteoarthrosis  NO  SOD
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