投稿时间:2011-04-01  修订日期:2011-06-21  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1934
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刘毅清 第二军医大学训练部图书馆, 上海 200433  
黄晓波 东西方国际教育集团,上海 200400  
陆敏 第二军医大学训练部图书馆, 上海 200433  
张红武 第二军医大学药学院, 上海 200433 xlbyjsc@smmu.edu.cn 
中文摘要:目的 对第二军医大学药学院近16年来科研论文产出情况进行计量分析,为科研决策提供参考依据。 方法 通过对计算机检索得到的1994~2009年科学引文索引扩展版(Science Citation Index Expanded,SCIE)收录的地址字段为第二军医大学的科技论文为数据依据,筛选其中以第二军医大学药学院为作者单位的科技论文进行统计分析。 结果 共检出1994~2009年第二军医大学药学院参与发表的论文893篇,收录在233种期刊中;研究性论文最多,有810篇;IF小于5的论文占83%;最活跃的学科为药理学;被引用超过20次以上论文共24篇。 结论 本研究从文献计量角度展现第二军医大学药学院的科技论文产出与被引情况,为科研管理部门、科学研究人员提供了定量参考依据。
中文关键词:科学引文索引扩展版  论文  统计  影响因子
Statistical analysis of papers from school of Pharmacy in Second Military Medical University in journals covered by SCIE from 1994 to 2009
Abstract:Objective To perform a bibliometric analysis of paper published by school of Pharmacy in Second Military Medical University in journals covered by SCIE during 1994~2009,so as to provide evidence for decision making in scientific research administration. Methods The papers published in journals covered by SCIE(Science Citation Index Expanded) authored by researchers of school of Pharmacy in Second Military Medical University in 1994~2009 were retrieved and analyzed. Results 893 papers were retrieved from 893 journals.Original articale accounted for 91%; IF lower than 5 accounted for 83%;There were 24 papers which had been cited for more than 20 times;the most active subject was Pharmacology. Conclusion This study introduces the publication of scientific papers published by school of Pharmacy in Second Military Medical University and their citations from a bibliometric perspective,which provided a quantitative reference for the scientific administration department and the researchers.
keywords:Science Citation Index Expanded  papers  Statistics  Impact Factor
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