投稿时间:2010-08-10  修订日期:2011-10-09  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1641
全文下载次数: 149
杨晓敏 广州军区广州总医院药剂科,广东 广州 510010 
唐莉华 广州军区广州总医院药剂科,广东 广州 510010 
袁进 广州军区广州总医院药剂科,广东 广州 510010 
中文摘要:目的 探讨提高医院药房药品帐物相符率、加快药品周转、保障药品及时供应的方法和途径。 方法 运用ISO9001质量管理体系的理念,采用单品种管理方法,设置药品货位号。 结果与结论 提高了药品帐物相符率,降低了药品库存金额,加快了药品周转。
中文关键词:药房供应  目标管理  目标考核
Establishment of quality target assessment of drug supply center in our hospital
Abstract:Objective To approach the methods for improving the rate of drugs consistent with the account book, rate of drugs turnover and ensure timely supply of drugs in hospital pharmacy. Methods SO9001 quality management system concept and single-species management were applied to set number of varieties of cargo space. Results and Conclusion The rate of drug consistent with the account book was improved, the amount of inventory of drugs were reduced, and the drug turnover was speed up.
keywords:pharmacy supply  management by objectives  target assessment
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