Servqual 评价法在门诊药学服务质量评价中的应用 |
投稿时间:2011-05-21 修订日期:2011-10-08 点此下载全文 |
引用本文:程敏毓,陈国耘.Servqual 评价法在门诊药学服务质量评价中的应用[J].药学实践杂志,2011,29(6):464~466 |
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中文摘要:目的 探索Servqual评价法在医院门诊药学服务质量评价中的应用,查找门诊药学服务存在的主要问题。 方法 设计Servqual评价调查表,对某三级甲等医院157名门诊患者进行调查,评价患者对该院门诊药学服务质量的感知与期望。 结果 患者对该院门诊药学服务质量的可靠性、反应性、保证性、移情性、有形性的期望与感知值分别为4.55、4.36、4.01、4.18、4.31和4.44、4.29、3.79、4.21、4.33,有形性和移情性的SQ值均为正;可靠性、反应性和保证性的SQ值均为负。 结论 该院门诊药学服务在有形性、移情性和反应性反面做得较好,在保证性方面有待提高。用Servqual量表能较客观,全面地评价门诊药学服务质量,对改进门诊药学服务质量具有指导作用。 |
中文关键词:Servqual量表 药学服务 质量评价 |
Application of servqual assessment in quality of pharmaceutical services for outpatients |
Abstract:Objective To explore the application of servqual method in quality assessment of pharmaceutical services for outpatients, and investigate the main problems in the pharmaceutical services. Methods The servqual table was designed, and used as a questionnaire which to investigate the quality of services. One hundred and fifty-seven outpatients in a Grade 3 Level A hospital were investigated. Results Expected service demanded by patients in the reliabity, responsiveness, assurance、 empathy and materiality of servqual table scored 4.55, 4.36, 4.01, 4.18 and 4.31 respectively, and perceived service scored 4.44、4.29、3.79、4.21 and 4.33 respectively. The SQs of materiality and empathy were positive value. The SQs of responsiveness, reliability and assurance were negative value. Conclusion The recruited hospital did a good job in such aspects as materiality, empathy and responsiveness of pharmaceutical services, but reliabity and assurance need to be further improved. The servqual table was an objective and comprehensive method to evaluate the quality of pharmaceutical services which was good for improvement of pharmaceutical services' quality. |
keywords:servqual table pharmaceutical service quality assessment |
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