投稿时间:2011-01-04  修订日期:2011-01-04  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1661
全文下载次数: 388
王文森 解放军第251医院药剂科,河北 张家口 075000 
孙洁 张家口市第一医院,河北 张家口 075000 
俞学忠 北京军区天津药材供应站,天津 300182 
尹晓飞 解放军第251医院药剂科,河北 张家口 075000 
中文关键词:主渠道供应  药材储备  零库存管理  库房前移  平战结合
Research on forward warehouse of military medicine supply to ensure the main medicine-supply channel
Abstract:It was the key point to improve the medicine reserves and supply for ensuring normal medical works in hospital.And it was the new problem for military hospital to ensure the main medicine-supply channel and minimize the opportunities for medicine out of stock while reducing inventory and improving medicine turnover. In this respect, our hospital had made some significant exploration. The warehouse was managed in three levels, the first-level adopted the"zero-stock" management. The warehouse of military medicine supply was moved forward; combat-ready medicine was managed by combination of peacetime and wartime, etc. It produced a marked effect in emergency and the support capabilities of servicing troops were improved, the clinical medicines that often used would not out of stock.
keywords:the main supply channel  medicine reserves  zero-stock management  forward warehouse  combination of peacetime and wartime
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