我院军人门诊处方用药分析 |
投稿时间:2010-06-07 修订日期:2010-12-30 点此下载全文 |
引用本文:秦长颀,傅秋生.我院军人门诊处方用药分析[J].药学实践杂志,2011,29(3):229~231 |
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中文摘要:目的 采用世界卫生组织的合理用药指标和其他指标,了解我院军人药房门诊患者的用药现状和门诊处方的合理性情况。 方法 采用回顾性分析,随机抽样我院2009年3月至2009年12月10个月军人药房门诊处方3000张,进行统计分析。 结果 平均每张处方用药3.2种,处方平均金额113.3元,超过100元的处方占40%;使用注射剂处方占5%,注射剂使用率较低;心血管药物使用率为35%,这与主要保障对象为老年患者相符合,其中主要为抗高血压药物(钙通道阻滞剂占18%,其次为血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂,占13%);使用抗菌素处方占33%,比率偏高,还应该加强管理;军人分类保障范围内药品占处方用药的100%,通用名药品占处方药品的100%;不合理用药处方占9%,主要问题为无适应证用药、诊断书写不全、用法用量不合理等。 结论 我院军人门诊用药情况基本合理,但仍要加强抗菌药物的管理和不合理用药的管理。 |
中文关键词:处方分析 合理用药 军人门诊 |
Analysis of prescriptions in military personnel outpatients |
Abstract:Objective To analyze the rationality and status of drug utilization in military personnel outpatients by the index of rational drug use recommended by WHO. Methods 3000 prescriptions from Match to December in 2009 were randomly collected and analyzed by statistical methods. Results The average number of drugs per prescription was 3.2, the average drug expenditure per prescription was 113.3 yuan. There were 40% of those prescriptions which was over than 100 yuan. 5% of those prescriptions were injection drugs. The use rate of cardiovascular drugs was 35%, which were mainly calcium antagonists (18%) and ACEI (13%). Prescriptions of antibiotics were 33% which could be further standardized. All drugs were prescribed by generic name which were listed in Military Personnel Drug Directory for General Hospitals. 9% of prescription were irrational including prescriptions without proper indications, unreasonable dosage and administration, ect. conclusion The drug utilization in military personnel outpatients was basically rational. The utilization of antibiotics should be further standardized. |
keywords:prescription analysis rational drug utilization military personnel outpatients |
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