投稿时间:2010-12-23  修订日期:2011-03-24  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 2014
全文下载次数: 147
江秋迟 湖北省浠水县妇幼保健院药剂科,湖北 浠水 438200 
胡磊 湖北省浠水县妇幼保健院药剂科,湖北 浠水 438200 
胡建国 上海市食品药品检验所,上海 200233 
中文摘要:目的 建立硅酮二号凝胶中二甲硅油含量测定的红外分光光度法。 方法 采用红外分光光度计测定硅酮二号凝胶中二甲硅油含量,检测波数为1 262 cm-1。 结果 二甲硅油在0.409 ~2.863 mg/ml内,其吸收值与浓度呈良好线性关系,回归方程为:A=0.2193×C - 0.004,r=0.999 9,回收率为100.13%,RSD为1.02%(n=6)。 结论 该方法简便快捷,准确度高,能满足硅酮二号凝胶中二甲硅油的测定。
中文关键词:红外分光光度计  二甲硅油  含量测定
Determination of dimeticone in Type Ⅱ Silicone Gel by Infrared Spectrophotometry
Abstract:Objective To establish a method to determinate dimeticone in type Ⅱ silicone gel by Infrared spectrophotometry. Methods The infrared spectrophotometry was adopted, and the detective wave was 1 262 cm-1. Results The linear range of the calibration of dimeticone was 0.409~2.863 mg/ml (r=0.999 9), the average recovery was 100.13%, RSD=1.02% (n=6). Conclusion The method was accurate, realizable which could be used to determinate dimeticone in type Ⅱ silicone gel.
keywords:infrared spectrophotometry  Dimeticone  Content determination
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