投稿时间:2011-01-22  修订日期:2011-04-22  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 2157
全文下载次数: 161
岑仡 上海三维生物技术有限公司,上海 201206 
童涌 上海三维生物技术有限公司,上海 201206 
杨峰 第二军医大学无机化学教研室,上海 200433 
中文摘要:目的 确定rhG-CSF工程菌高密度发酵的最佳溶氧浓度。 方法 通过通入纯氧,高密度发酵的溶氧值可以精确控制。考察不同溶氧浓度对工程菌的生长、质粒丢失率、乙酸积累情况以及rhG-CSF表达的影响,来确定溶氧的最佳控制范围。 结果 工程菌生长阶段溶氧控制在25%,诱导后控制在35%,最有利于菌体生长和外源蛋白表达,最终菌体密度为(79.6±2.1)g/L,表达量为(40.2±1.2)%。 结论 溶氧对工程菌rhG-CSF高密度发酵有显著影响。
中文关键词:rhG-CSF  高密度发酵  溶氧
Effect of dissolved oxygen on high density fermentation of E.coli in producing rhG-CSF
Abstract:Objective To study the density of the dissolved oxygen(DO) on fermentation of E.coli in producing rhG-CSF. Methods Pure oxygen was used to control DO precisely and to observe the growth of engineered bacteria, the lost of plasmids ,the accumulation of acetic acid from different DO density. The optimum density of DO for fermentation was determined. Results 25% in growth phase and 30% after induction was optimum density of DO for rhG-CSF expression and engineered bacteria growth. Under these conditions, the wet cell weight reached(79.6±2.1) g/L and the expression of rhG-CSF was(40.2±1.2)%. Conclusions The growth of engineered bacteria and the expression of rhG-CSF were influenced by the density of dissolved oxygen significantly.
keywords:rhG-CSF  high density fermentation  dissolved oxygen
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