投稿时间:2010-06-22  修订日期:2011-01-11  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1875
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王晶 第二军医大学长海医院药学部,上海 200433 
赵娜萍 第二军医大学长海医院药学部,上海 200433 
舒丽芯 第二军医大学药学院,上海 200433 
刘斌 第二军医大学药学院,上海 200433 
张婉露 中国人民解放军101医院药材科,江苏 无锡 214044 
严天虹 第二军医大学药学院,上海 200433 
潘勇华 第二军医大学长海医院药学部,上海 200433 
张黎 第二军医大学长海医院药学部,上海 200433 
中文摘要:目的 探讨参麦注射液联合新辅助化疗TE方案治疗乳腺癌的疗效和对乳腺癌患者生活质量的影响。 方法 我院收治的22例经病理证实的进展期乳腺癌患者,年龄34~72岁,随机分为试验组(参麦注射液联合TE治疗组)和对照组(单纯用TE化疗组)。对照组未给予任何中药注射液。对22例进展期乳腺癌患者的疗效、血常规指标及不良反应进行观察比较与分析,应用SPSS10.0统计软件进行统计学处理。 结果 可评价疗效病例22例,其中治疗组有效率(CR+PR) 54.55%,对照组有效率63.64%,两组之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);临床获益率治疗组81.82%,对照组72.73%,两组之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。两组血液系统的不良反应与对照组相比,结果有统计学意义(P<0.05)。其他不良反应的发生率相似,两组差异无显著性(P>0.05)。 结论 参麦注射液联合TE方案治疗乳腺癌疗效肯定,耐受性良好,加用参麦注射液可以改善肿瘤患者的生存质量,减轻化疗所致的血液学毒性及非血液学毒性,临床可推广应用。
中文关键词:参麦注射液  乳腺癌  TE方案  临床观察
The clinical effect of TE chemotherapy regime, with Shenmai injection in the treatment of advanced breast cancer
Abstract:Objective To investigate the efficacy of Shenmai injection combined TE chemotherapy regime in the treatment of breast cancer and the influence to the quality of life in breast cancer patient. Methods 22 patients with pathologically confirmed advanced breast cancer aged from 34 to 72 were randomly divided into experimental group (TE plus Shenmai injection treatment group) and the control group (only with TE chemotherapy group). The efficacy ,side effects and blood indices were observed and analyzed. All patients received two or more cycles of treatment. SPSS10.0 statistical software was used to statistical analysis. Results 22 cases could be evaluated.The effective rate of treatment group (CR+PR) was 54.55%, and the rate of control group was 63.64%. There was no significant difference between two groups (P>0.05); clinical benefit rate was 81.82% in treatment group, and 72.73% in control group, which had no significant difference between groups (P>0.05). The main adverse events in both groups were from the blood system. compared with the control group, which had statistically significant (P<0.05) between two groups. Other adverse reactions had the similar incidence in two groups and had not statistically significant (P>0.05). Conclusion TE Shenmai injection in the treatment of breast cancer was effective and well tolerated, plus Shenmai injection could improve the quality of life in cancer patients, reduce the chemotherapy-induced hematological toxicity and non-hematologic toxicity.
keywords:Shenmai injection  breast cancer  TE program  clinical observation
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