投稿时间:2010-08-02  修订日期:2010-10-12  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1900
全文下载次数: 256
王江峰 第二军医大学药剂学教研室,上海 200433 
鲁莹 第二军医大学药剂学教研室,上海 200433 
钟延强 第二军医大学药剂学教研室,上海 200433 
中文摘要:随着基因治疗研究的不断深入,寻求一种高效、安全、靶向表达的载体已成为了基因治疗的核心问题之一。聚氨基酯(poly amino ester,PAE)作为一种新型的阳离子聚合物基因载体,具有原料廉价、合成简单、结构多样、可降解、细胞毒性低和转染效率高等优点,已越来越受到人们的关注。本文将从聚氨基酯的合成途径、理化性质、聚氨基酯/DNA纳米粒的制备及聚氨基酯/DNA纳米粒转染效率和影响因素等方面详细阐述了近年来聚氨基酯作为基因载体的研究进展。
中文关键词:聚氨基酯  非病毒基因载体  阳离子聚合物
Research on poly amino ester as the gene vector
Abstract:With the deepening research of gene therapy, to find an efficient, safe, targeted expression gene vector had become one of the core issues of gene therapy. Poly amino ester (PAE) as a new type of cationic polymer gene carriers, with cheap raw materials, simple synthesis, diversity structure, biodegradability, low toxicity and high efficiency transfection, which had attracted lots of researchers' focus. Recent research of PAE as a gene vector from the poly amino ester synthesis pathway, physical and chemical properties, properties of poly amino ester / DNA nano-particles and transfection efficiency of polyamino ester/DNA nano-particles were summarized in this paper.
keywords:poly amino esters  non-viral gene vector  cationic polymer
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