投稿时间:2010-03-26  修订日期:2010-08-06  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 2203
全文下载次数: 117
杜青云 厦门大学医学院药学系,福建 厦门 361005
解放军第175医院药剂科,福建 漳州 363000 
洪佳妮 厦门大学医学院药学系,福建 厦门 361005
解放军第175医院药剂科,福建 漳州 363000 
李茂星 兰州军区兰州总医院药材科,甘肃 兰州 730050  
陈锦珊 解放军第175医院药剂科,福建 漳州 363000 cjs1223@sohu.com 
基金项目:全军医药卫生"十一五"课题面上项目(06MB95);南京军区医药卫生科研课题 (06MA-95).
中文摘要:目的 优选镰形棘豆总黄酮活性炭脱色工艺。 方法 以温度、时间和活性炭用量为考察因素,脱色液颜色、260~420 nm紫外吸收情况和总黄酮含量为考察指标,采用正交试验法探究最佳脱色条件。 结果 脱色最佳工艺为在40 ℃下,加入1 %活性炭,搅拌5 min。 结论 该脱色工艺可行,既能达到脱色效果,又能保留有效成分。
中文关键词:镰形棘豆  总黄酮  脱色工艺  正交试验
Optimization of decolorization technology of the Oxytropis falcata total flavones with active carbon by orthogonal experiment
Abstract:Objective To optimize the decolorization technology of Oxytropis falcata total flavones with active carbon. Methonds Temperature, stirring time and the content of active carbon were used as the orthogonal experiment factors. The colour of filtrate, the ultraviolet absorption between 260 nm to 420 nm and the content of total flavones were set as the indexes to investigate the optimal decolorization technology. Results The optimal decolorization technology was achieved under the condition as 40 ℃, stirring 5 min with 1% active carbon. Conclusion The decolorization technology is feasible which had good decolorization result and could hold effective ingredient.
keywords:Oxytropis falcata  total flavones  decolorization technology  orthogonal experiment
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