投稿时间:2010-05-10  修订日期:2010-06-30  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1334
全文下载次数: 114
王文森 解放军251医院药剂科,河北 张家口 075000 
刘顺良 解放军251医院药剂科,河北 张家口 075000 
孙洁 张家口市第一医院,河北 张家口 075000 
俞学忠 北京军区天津药材供应站,天津 300182 
中文关键词:临床药师  巡诊  服务指导  方法
Research on method of providing services for basic level troops by clinical pharmacists
Abstract:The fundamental aim of Military Hospital is to provide services to basic level troops. It was the key research point of military hospital to study how to express the advantage of talented personnel and technology to improve the services level to basic level troops. Our hospital gave up old method of inspection and brought unique feature and strength including medical, medicine, technique of hospital into the inspection, which resolved status of unreasonable support efficacy causing by insufficient of personnel and devices in basic level health units, which could strengthen the self-health care consciousness in the armies.
keywords:clinical pharmacists  inspection, rational use of drug  method
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