投稿时间:2010-06-08  修订日期:2010-09-14  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1269
全文下载次数: 587
徐俊 上海市食品药品包装材料测试所,上海201203 
蔡荣 上海市食品药品包装材料测试所,上海201203 
陆维怡 上海市食品药品包装材料测试所,上海201203 
中文关键词:胶塞  可挥发性物质  头孢曲松钠  气相色谱
The migration and possible influences of the volatile substances from rubber stoppers on ceftriaxone sodium
Abstract:Objective To study on the migration and possible influences of the volatile substances from rubber stoppers on ceftriaxone sodium.Methods GC method was used to detect the volatile substances from rubber stoppers and powders of ceftriaxone sodium for injection with clarity problems.Results The volatile substances from rubber stoppers with higher boiling point could be detected in the contacted ceftriaxone sodium samples while the volatile substances with lower boiling point and C13H23Br could not be detected in the samples.Conclusion The volatile substances with high boiling point originated from the rubber stoppers could migrate to ceftriaxone sodium powders and could be absorbed by the powders,and some transferred substances could even further react with ceftriaxone sodium.
keywords:stopper  volatile substance  ceftriaxone sodium  Gas chromatography
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