投稿时间:2009-06-22  修订日期:2009-11-08  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1759
全文下载次数: 768
胡宇驰 北京市药品检验所,北京100035 
杨赟昀 北京市药品检验所,北京100035 
朱春玥 北京市药品检验所,北京100035 
周建平 北京市药品检验所,北京100035 
中文关键词:醋酸戈舍瑞林  缓释植入剂  细菌内毒素  回收率
Study on gelation method of bacterial endotoxin test in goserelin acetate sustained-release depot
Abstract:Objective To confirm the feasibility of gelation method of bacterial edotoxins tests for goserelin acetate sustained-release depot.Methods Acetonitrile were added to dissolve the sustained-release depot,the goserelin acetate will been precipitated out.Then the suspension could been removed to pyrogen-free water,the goserelin acetate will been dissolved;the interference test of the dilute solution can be conducted,the endotoxin recovery tests of acetonitrile suspension was conducted also.Results 200-fold diluents of the acetonitrile suspension dose not interfere with the test for bacterial endotoxins.The endotoxin recovery of acetonitrile suspension was 25 percent to 35 percent.,thus should to decrease the endotoxin limit of the acetonitrile suspension.Conclusion Gelation clot test is suitable for the detection of Goserelin Acetate Sustained-Release Depot.
keywords:goserelin acetate  sustained-release depot  bacterial endotoxin  endotoxin recovery
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