投稿时间:2009-07-07  修订日期:2009-10-12  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1319
全文下载次数: 679
路明珠 第二军医大学长征医院药剂科,上海200003  
陆文铨 第二军医大学长征医院药剂科,上海200003  
伊佳 第二军医大学药学院,上海200433  
蔡国君 第二军医大学药学院,上海200433 cai_gj@yahoo.com. 
中文关键词:骨关节炎  玻璃酸钠  分子量
Experimental study of therapeutic effects on osteoarthritis with sodium hyaluronate of different molecular weight
Abstract:Objective To study the therapeutic effects of sodium hyaluronate injection of different molecular weight(MW: 800~1500 kDa vs.1500~2500 kDa) on osteoarthritis.Methods Two kinds of osteoarthritis models were induced in rabbit’s knee joints: long-term immobilization experiment,and intra-articular injection of papain.Pathological study,analgesic effect experiment and capillary permeability experiment were carried out to observe the effects of treatment with intra-articular injection of sodium hyaluronate.Results Both of the two kinds of sodium hyaluronate injection of different molecular weight have the ability to resist the pathological changes of cartilage and synovial.They all show significant analgesic effect and inhibit capillary permeability.Furthermore,greater improvement in osteoarthritis models induced by intra-articular injection of papain was achieved by administration of sodium hyaluronate of relatively low molecular weight(MW: 800~1500 kDa).Conclusion Sodium hyaluronate of different molecular weight all could improve the outcomes of osteoarthritis.Our findings suggest that sodium hyaluronate treatment of osteoarthritis is a safe,effective therapeutic option,and low molecular weight sodium hyaluronate may have better performance in improving the pathological changes of cartilage and synovial.
keywords:osteoarthritis  sodium hyaluronate  molecular weight
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