投稿时间:2009-01-06    点此下载全文
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刘莉 第二军医大学药学院,上海200433
龙娉 石河子大学医学院预防医学系,新疆石河子832002  
姚建忠 第二军医大学药学院,上海200433  
中文摘要:目的:HPLC法测定市场上3种常见菊花中木樨草素的含量。方法:采用D iamosil C18色谱柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm);流动相:甲醇-水(50∶50)30 m in内匀速变换至甲醇-水(80∶20);流速:1 mL/m in;检测波长:350 nm。结果:木樨草素在0.224~2.24μg范围线性关系良好,r=0.999 9,平均加样回收率99.40%,RSD为2.67%(n=9);杭菊、贡菊和毫菊中木樨草素平均含量分别为0.34、0.4和0.69 mg/g,RSD分别为0.8%、1.2%及1.3%(n=6)。结论:毫菊中木樨草素含量最高。本法灵敏、简便准确、重现性好,可用于市场不同品种菊花中木樨草素的质量控制。
中文关键词:菊花  木樨草素  高效液相色谱法
Determination of luteolin in three kinds of Chrysanthemum morifolium by HPLC
Abstract:Objective:To determine the content of luteolin in three kinds of Chrysanthemum morifolium that are often seen in market by HPLC.Methods: The luteolin was quantified by reverse-HPLC on Diamosil C18 column(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm)using methanol-water(changed from 50∶50 to 80∶20 in 30 min at pace) as mobile phase with a flow rate of 1 mL/min.The detecting wavelength was 350 nm.Results:The linear range of luteolin was 0.224 ~2.24 μg(r=0.999 9).The average recovery was 99.40%,and RSD was 2.67%(n=9).The average content of luteolin in Hangju,Gongju and Haoju was 0.34,0.41,0.69 mg/g,and RSD was 0.8%,1.2%,1.3%,respectively.(n=6).Conclusion:The content of luteolin in Haoju was the highest.The established method is delicate,simple,convenient,accurate,reproducible,and suitable for the quality control of luteolin in defferent kinds of Chrysanthemum morifolium that are often seen in market.
keywords:Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat  luteolin  HPLC
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