投稿时间:2008-04-23    点此下载全文
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陈磊 南京军区福州总医院,福建福州350025 
宋斌 南京军区福州总医院,福建福州350025 
宋洪涛 南京军区福州总医院,福建福州350025 
张晓苏 南京军区福州总医院,福建福州350025 
杨文宇 南京军区福州总医院,福建福州350025 
中文摘要:目的:开发适用于军队医院的战备药品模块化管理查询系统"(PDA版)"软件。方法:基于Microsoft.NET Compact Framework 2.0为架构,以C#.NET+SQL Server 2005 sp2+SQL Mobile 2005为平台开发的PDA软件系统。结果与结论:开发PDA软件系统能提供药品模块化管理,药物配伍查询,药品说明书查询等功能,符合实用要求。
中文关键词:战备药品  模块化  管理查询系统  PDA
Development and application of war medicine's modular management and search system for PDA
Abstract:Objective:To develop a war medicine's modular management and search system for PDA,which can be used by military hospitals.Methods:The system is based on Microsoft .NETCompact Framework 2.0 and built by using the newest technology such as C#.NET, SQL Server2005 sp2 and SQL Mobile 2005.Results:With this system,the users can easily look up drugs'stability and compatibility and manage war medicine better.Conclusion:I The system can improve the efficiency of war medicine's management.
keywords:war medicine  modularization  management and search system  PDA
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