投稿时间:2008-11-24    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1738
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李晏 中国人民解放军第411医院药剂科,上海200081 hilda_jh@yahoo.com.cn. 
陈渊源 第二军医大学药学院药理学教研室,上海200433  
伊佳 第二军医大学药学院药理学教研室,上海200433  
蒋红 第二军医大学药学院药理学教研室,上海200433  
沈甫明 第二军医大学药学院药理学教研室,上海200433  
中文摘要:目的:观察气滞胃痛颗粒对小鼠胃肠动力的影响和镇痛作用,为气滞胃痛颗粒的临床合理应用提供理论依据。方法:以胃肠内标记物葡聚糖蓝-2000在小鼠胃内色素残留及小肠内推进比为指标,观察气滞胃痛颗粒对小鼠胃排空及肠推进的影响;以醋酸所致小鼠扭体反应为疼痛指标,观察气滞胃痛颗粒的镇痛作用。结果:气滞胃痛颗粒低、中、高剂量组(1.25 g/kg、2.50 g/kg、5.00 g/kg)可以改善阿托品和多巴胺引起的小鼠胃排空障碍、以及小肠推进抑制作用;对吗啡引起的小鼠胃排空障碍和小肠推进抑制作用无显著影响;中、高剂量组可以促进正常小鼠胃排空,高剂量促进小肠推进。低、中、高剂量组可以显著减少醋酸引起的小鼠扭体次数。结论:气滞胃痛颗粒具有促进小鼠胃肠动力和镇痛作用。
中文关键词:气滞胃痛颗粒  胃肠功能  镇痛
Effects of Qizhiweitong granule on gastrointestinal function and analgesic action in mice
Abstract:Objective: To investigate the action of Qizhiweitong granule(QZ) on gastrointestinal function and analgesic effect in mice.Methods: Dextran blue-2000 was used as a marker,both its residue left in the stomach and propulsion velocity in the intestine were determined for the evaluation of gastrointestinal function;with acetic acid induced mice writhing response model,analgesic effect of QZ was determined.Results: QZ 1.25 g/kg,2.50 g/kg,5.00 g/kg improved the inhibition of gastric empty and intestinal propulsion induced by both atropine and dopamine.No changes were observed in morphine-induced gastrointestinal disorder mice model.All the three doses exhibited analgesic effect on acetic acid induced mice writhing response model.Conclusion:These results suggest QZ maybe used to improve gastrointestinal function and possessed analgesic effects.
keywords:Qizhiweitong granule  gastrointestinal function  analgesic effect
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