投稿时间:2008-05-13    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1161
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姜杰 第二军医大学药学院实验教学中心,上海200433 lmj57mail@sina.com. 
林锦明 第二军医大学药学院实验教学中心,上海200433  
郭美丽 第二军医大学生药学教研室,上海200433  
王小燕 第二军医大学药学院实验教学中心,上海200433  
戴蔚荃 第二军医大学药学院实验教学中心,上海200433  
何邦平 第二军医大学药学院实验教学中心,上海200433  
中文摘要:目的:不同产地青葙子及其混淆品鸡冠花子的鉴别。方法:应用TG/DTA联用热分析仪分别对不同产地的青葙子和鸡冠花子进行差热图谱扫描与分析。实验条件为差热量程:±50 uV;升温速率:15℃/min;升温范围:30℃~700℃;气氛为N2,流速:50 mL/min。结果:青葙子及其混淆品鸡冠花子的热谱曲线各具特征性且差异明显,取得了良好的鉴别效果。结论:差热分析方法用于中药鉴别准确、简便、快速,值得推广应用。
中文关键词:青葙子  鸡冠花子  差热分析  鉴别
Identification of Semen Celosiae from different districts and its adulterant by differential thermal analysis
Abstract:Objective: To identify Semen Celosiae from different districts and its adulterant C.cristata L..Methods: TG/DTA and thermal analyser were both used to scan and analyse the thermal map of Semen Celosiae from different districts and its adulterant Celosia cristata L.The experiment conditions are: asensitivity of ±50 uV,a calefactive rate of 15 ℃/min,an ambience of nitrogen and velocity of flow is 50 mL/min.Results:The thermal curves of Semen Celosiae and its adulterant Celosia.cristata L.represent that there were significant differences between them and each with characteristics,which means this experience has achieved an obverious differentiating effect.Conclusion:Differential thermal analysis method for accurate identification of traditional chinese medicine is simple,rapid and worthy of application.
keywords:Semen Celosiae  Celosia cristata L.  DTA  identification
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