投稿时间:2008-06-27    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1303
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王菁平 中国人民解放军第81医院,江苏南京210002 
周永刚 中国人民解放军第81医院,江苏南京210002 
魏玮 中国人民解放军第81医院,江苏南京210002 
周园龙 中国人民解放军第81医院,江苏南京210002 
李娟 中国人民解放军第81医院,江苏南京210002 
中文摘要:目的:促进临床医师规范书写处方并合理组方用药,准确指导药师调配,减少医疗差错发生,保证患者用药安全有效。方法:按照新版《处方管理办法》的要求,对我院2007~2008年5 018张门诊中药汤剂处方进行书写规范和组方药味的调查分析。结果:不规范处方占总处方数的43.12%,其中包括:处方前记不合格,修改不规范,药名书写不规范,脚注不合格,处方单位不合格。结论:医院应建立健全处方管理制度和出台相关措施,临床医师需加强对新版《处方管理办法》的学习,药师需不断提高审方能力和在工作环节中发现问题的能力。
中文关键词:中药处方  新版《处方管理办法》  规范性  调查与对策
Investigation and analysis of the standardization of prescription of traditional Chinese medicine outpatients' prescription in our hospital
Abstract:Objective:To facilitate the doctors'standardized writing of prescriptions and choosing medicines and instructing the pharmacists'prescriptions accurately.Then we can reduce malpractices and ensure the safety and utility of medication.Methods:According to the new edition of prescription management regulations,we investigated 5 018 presciptions of outpatient clinic teaditional Chinese medicine prescriptions from 2007 to 2008 in our hospital.The standardization of writing and herbal medicines in a prescription of these prescriptions were analyzed.Results:We found that the percent of age prescriptions of nonstandardization of writing is 43.12%, including nonstandardization of prolegomena,nonstandardization of revision,nonstandardization of drug names,nonstandardization of annotation and units.Conclusion:The hospital managers should establish a wholesome prescription management system and take related measures to enhance it.The doctor should strengthen the learning of prescription management regulations.The pharmacist should improve their ability to check prescriptions and to find out problems while they are working.
keywords:traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions  new edition of prescription management regulations  standardization  investigation and countenmeasure
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