投稿时间:2008-05-26    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1551
全文下载次数: 311
栗志远 中国人民解放军第22医院,青海格尔木816000 
王新红 中国人民解放军第22医院,青海格尔木816000 
黄矛 第二军医大学新药评价中心,上海200433 
中文摘要:目的:建立一种操作简单、切实可行的前庭损伤小鼠模型。方法:动物全麻后中耳注射100 mg/mL对氨基苯胂酸溶液0.05 mL。3 d后以空中翻正反射成功率、接触翻正反射恢复时间以及头偏和游泳行为学评分对小鼠前庭功能作评估。结果:内耳注射对氨基苯胂酸溶液后,小鼠空中翻正反射成功率明显降低、接触翻正反射恢复时间明显延长,头偏明显且游泳能力显著降低,提示对氨基苯肿酸溶液损伤了前庭器官。结论:该模型是一种操作简单、切实可行的前庭损伤小鼠模型。
中文关键词:化学迷路切除  对氨基苯胂酸  小鼠  模型  前庭功能
An animal model of experimental vestibular dysfunction by intratympanically injecting arsanilic acid in mice
Abstract:Objective:To establish a convenient and feasible animal model of vestibular dysfunction for pharmacodynamic study in mice.Methods:Both inner ears of the animals were intratympanically injected with 100 mg/mL solution of arsanilic acid for 0.05 mL. 3 days later,vestibular function was assessed by air righting reflex and contact righting reflex,as well as the head tilt and swimming behavior.Results:Correct landings rates of air righting reflex were decreased;time of contact righting reflex was prolonged;scores of head tilt and swimming behavior were higher than control.Conclusion:It is a convenient and feasible model of experimental vestibular dysfunction with injections of arsanilic acid in the inner ears of mice for research on pharmacodynamics of prophylactic drug for motion sickness and vertigo.
keywords:Chemical labyrinthectomy  arsanilic acid  mice  model  vestibular function
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