投稿时间:2007-07-24    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1766
全文下载次数: 563
曹尉尉 中国人民解放军第411医院药械科,上海200081 
陆波 中国人民解放军第411医院药械科,上海200081 
中文摘要:目的:探讨积雪草总三萜酸和其主要成分积雪草酸、羟基积雪草酸的抗抑郁作用。方法:采用小鼠强迫游泳实验、小鼠悬尾实验、开野实验和拮抗利血平所致的小鼠眼睑下垂实验,分别以小鼠不动时间、自主活动数和拮抗率作为评价指标。结果:在强迫游泳实验中积雪草总三萜酸、积雪草酸、羟基积雪草酸60 mg/kg、120 mg/kg剂量均能显著缩短小鼠不动时间,在悬尾实验中30 mg/kg、60 mg/kg、120 mg/kg剂量均能显著缩短小鼠不动时间,开野实验结果表明给药后小鼠的自主活动无明显变化,在利血平拮抗实验中积雪草总三萜酸、积雪草酸、羟基积雪草酸均可减少小鼠眼睑下垂。结论:积雪草总三萜酸、积雪草酸、羟基积雪草酸有抗抑郁作用。
中文关键词:积雪草总三萜酸  积雪草酸  羟基积雪草酸  抗抑郁
Antidepressant activity of Centalla Asiatic Triterpenic acid and its main constituents
Abstract:Objective: To investigate the antidepressant activity of Centalla asiatic triterpenic acid(CATA),and its main comstituerts asiatic acid(AA) and madecassic acid(MA).Methods:The forced swimming test(FST),tail suspension test(TST),open field activity(OFA) test and reserpine-induced ptosis test were carried out to examine the antidepressant activity in mice.Mice immobility duration in FST and TST,spontaneous activity frequency in OFA,and ptosis in reserpine antagonistic test were observed.Results: CATA,AA and MA could significantly shorten mice immobility time in FST at the dosages of 60 and 120 mg/kg and could markedly shorten mice immobility time in TST at the dosages of 30,60 and 120 mg/kg.They could not reduce mice spontaneous activity in OFA.CATA,AA and MA could reduce ptosis mice in reserpine antagonistic test.Conclusion:CATA,AA and MA exert an antidepressant activity in animal models.
keywords:centalla asiatic triterpenic acid  asiatic acid  madecassic acid  antidepressant effect
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