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田甜 第二军医大学药学院药事管理学教研室,上海200433 sxchen@smmu.edu.cn 
蒯丽萍 第二军医大学药学院药事管理学教研室,上海200433  
陈盛新 第二军医大学药学院药事管理学教研室,上海200433  
栾潇潇 第二军医大学药学院药事管理学教研室,上海200433  
张佳音 第二军医大学药学院药事管理学教研室,上海200433  
中文关键词:失血性休克  输液  急救
Selection of fluid in the resuscitation of haemorrhagic shock
Abstract:Objective: To research the selection of fluid in the resuscitation of haemorrhagic shock.Methods: Experts from troops hospital under army division and third level grade A hospitals were consulted by two kinds of questionnaires.The data was handled with the general statistic method;two groups of separated data were taken a cross-check analysis to reach the effective reference value.Result :According to the indication and therapeutic effect of transfusion drugs for hemorrhagic shock and the suggestion of those medical experts,species of transfusion drugs for hemorrhagic shock were selected;the suggested amount of drugs for one person of one time was given.Conclusion:Finding out those species of transfusion drugs for hemorrhagic shock has a significant value for emergency aid and treatment of the injury both in a battle and in the normal day life.
keywords:hypovolaemic shock  transfusions  first aid
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