投稿时间:2007-09-13    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1126
全文下载次数: 1057
张丽娜 山东大学药学院,山东济南250012
凌沛学 山东大学药学院,山东济南250012
张天民 山东大学药学院,山东济南250012
中文摘要:目的:研究低分子肝素与玻璃酸钠复方凝胶注射液和单用低分子肝素注射液治疗骨关节炎的疗效和机制。方法:12只新西兰白兔左右膝关节腔内各注射0.4%木瓜酶溶液0.3 mL,随机分为3组。自造模7 d后开始给药,每周1次,共5周。结果:低分子肝素与玻璃酸钠复方凝胶注射液组、低分子肝素注射液组疗效明显优于生理盐水组。含低分子肝素的注射液能够明显促进滑膜、软骨细胞增生,降低软骨破坏,同时抑制肿瘤坏死因子-α的释放,调节白介素-6的分泌,有利于改善骨关节炎症状。结论:低分子肝素有较好的抗炎作用,具有安全、方便、行之有效的治疗骨关节炎方法的开发潜力。
中文关键词:低分子肝素  玻璃酸钠  骨关节炎  木瓜酶  细胞因子
Intra-articular low molecular weight heparin injections in treating knee osteoarthritis of rabbits
Abstract:Objective: To investigate the effects and mechanisms of injecting compound low molecular weight heparin /sodium hyaluronate or single low molecular weight heparin into intra-articular for treating osteoarthritis of rabbits.Methods: Twelve rabbits were randomly divided into normal saline group,compound low molecular weight heparin /sodium hyaluronate group and low molecular weight heparin group after the model of osteoarthritis was established by injecting 0.3 ml of 0.4 % papain into knee joint cavities of the rabbits.These three groups respectively received intra-articular injection of normal saline,compound low molecular weight heparin /sodium hyaluronate and low molecular weight heparin weekly for 5 weeks after 7 days from the injection of papain.Results:The curative effects of compound low molecular weight heparin /sodium hyaluronate and low molecular weight heparin obviously were better than that of normal saline group.As to the two groups including low molecular weight heparin,the degeneration of cartilage was lighter in the pathological sections.Intra-articular the two injections including low molecular weight heparin could obviously promote cellular proliferation of synovial membrane and cartilage.Meanwhile,it could revealed a decrease in tumor necrosis factor-α and a regulation in interleukin-6 expression.Conclusion:Low molecular weight heparin posseses significant anti-inflammatory properties.There is a potential capacity to develop safe,convenient and efficient methods for the treatment of osteoarthritis.
keywords:low molecular weight heparin  sodium hyaluronate  osteoarthritis  papain  cytokine
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