投稿时间:2007-07-02    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1465
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李群安 中国人民解放军第303医院,广西南宁530021 
中文摘要:目的:为了获得老年、老年前期、壮年及青年男性的咖啡因药动学参数。方法:用反相高效液相色谱检测16例67-81岁老年、20例51-60岁老年前期、46例35-50岁壮年及95例18-34岁青年男性唾液咖啡因(CAF)浓度,根据唾药-时间数据计算其药动学参数。结果:老年组与老年前期组、壮年及青年组的唾液CAF1/2明显延长(P<0.000 5,P<0.001,P<0.01),唾液CAF清除率明显减少(P<0.000 2,P<0.00 2,P<0.01),表观分布容积(Vd)无显著性变化(P>0.05)。结论:老年男性唾液CAF1/2及清除率明显延长及减少,Vd无明显改变。
中文关键词:唾液  咖啡因  老年  反相高效液相色谱
Study on the pharmacokinetics of caffeine in male at different ages
Abstract:Objective:To obtain the pharmacokinetics parameters of caffeine in the elderly,presenile,pastadolescenal and young male.Methods:Saliva caffeine(CAF) concentration in 16 old male(aged 67~81 years),20 presenile male(aged 51~60 years),46 pastadolescenal male(aged 35~50 years) and 95 young male(aged 18~34 years) was determined by RP-HPLC method,and according to the saliva concentration time curves,the pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated.Results: The saliva CAF1/2 in the elderly group was significantly increased to those in the other group(P<0.000 5,P<0.000 1,P<0.01),the saliva CAF clearanc was significantly decreased(P<0.000 2,P<0.002,P<0.01) and apparent volume of distribution(Vd) was not different significantly(P>0.05).Conclusion: The saliva CAF1/2 and clearanc in the elderly male were significantly increased and decreased respectively,Vd was not different significantly.
keywords:saliva  caffeine  elderly people  RP-HPLC
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