投稿时间:2006-05-08    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1673
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张美玲 浙江省立同德医院药剂科,浙江杭州310012 
中文摘要:目的:建立测定伤科擦剂中乌头碱含量的高效液相色谱法。方法:采用高效液相色谱法测定。色谱柱:MN-Nucleosil 7C6H5不锈钢柱(25 cm×4.0 mm),流动相:甲醇-水-氯仿-三乙胺(70:30:1:0.2),流速:1.5 mL/min,在235 nm波长处紫外检测。结果:该方法线性范围为0.050-0.225μg,平均加样回收率为95.42%,RSD=1.626%(n=5)。结论:该法测定伤科擦剂中乌头碱的含量,简便、快捷、重现性好。可作为该制剂的质量控制方法。
中文关键词:伤科擦剂  乌头碱  高效液相色谱法  含量测定
Content determination of aconitine in Shangke liniment by HPLC
Abstract:Objective:To set up an HPLC method for the content determination of aconitine in shangke liniment.Methods:Chromatography was performed on a MN-Nucleosil 7C6H5 stainless steel column(25 cm×4.0 mm).The mobile phase was a mixture of methanol-water-chloroform-triethylamine(70-30-1-0.2),with a flow rate of 1.5 mL/min.The detection wavelength was 235 nm.Results:The calibration curve was linear over the range of 0.050-0.225 μg,the average rate of recovery was 95.42 %,RSD=1.62 %(n=5).Conclusion:The method proved to be simple,rapid,reliable and well reproducible in the content determination of aconitine in shangke liniment.It may be used as a method of quality control of the preparation.
keywords:Shangke liniment  aconition  HPLC  content determination
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