投稿时间:2006-10-12    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1850
全文下载次数: 38
钟蕾 北京军区总医院药剂科,北京100700 
赵汉臣 北京军区总医院药剂科,北京100700 
闫荟 北京军区总医院药剂科,北京100700 
王瑞 北京军区总医院药剂科,北京100700 
王苏会 北京军区总医院药剂科,北京100700 
中文关键词:六味地黄活性多糖  膜分离技术
Effect analysis of the concentration of Liuwei Dihuang polysaccharides by the membrane separation technique and the traditional method
Abstract:Objective:To compare the effect between the membrane separation technique and the traditional method being used to concentrate polysaccharides from Liuwei Dihuang formula.Methods: The extract liquid of Liuwei Dihuang formula was divided into several levels and segments using nanofiltration and ultrafiltration of 10 000Mr.The polysaccharides in every level's extracted liquid were quantitate by sulfuric acid-anthrone colorimetric method at detecting wavelength 625 nm.Results: The polysaccharides in the production made by membrane separation technique were 6.5 times as much as that in the production made by the traditional method.Conclusion: The membrane separation technique was superior in concentration polysaccharides compared with the traditional method.
keywords:polysaccharides in Liuwei Dihuang formula  membrane separation technique
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