投稿时间:2007-04-11    点此下载全文
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李林鹏 第二军医大学药学院药理学教研室,上海200433 jiangyy@smmu.edu.cn 
孙浚雯 第二军医大学流行病学教研室,上海200433  
曹永兵 第二军医大学药学院药理学教研室,上海200433  
任天舒 第二军医大学药学院药理学教研室,上海200433  
姜远英 第二军医大学药学院药理学教研室,上海200433  
孙德好 中国人民解放军第411医院,上海200081  
中文摘要:目的:通过比较辛伐他汀在Wistar大鼠与金黄地鼠两种高血脂模型中的作用,分析两种高血脂模型的合理应用。方法:取Wistar大鼠和金黄地鼠各30只,大鼠体重200-230 g,金黄地鼠体重100-130 g,各随机分成空白对照组、模型对照组以及辛伐他汀组各10只。确认模型建立成功后,两给药组分别给予辛伐他汀10 mg/(kg.d),并于给药第14、28天测定血清TC和LDL-C。分析辛伐他汀在两种动物高血脂模型中的作用。结果:辛伐他汀能抑制Wistar大鼠血脂升高的趋势和降低高血脂症金黄地鼠的血脂水平。Wistar大鼠对辛伐他汀的降脂作用较金黄地鼠更为敏感。结论:Wistar大鼠高血脂模型对辛伐他汀的降脂作用更为敏感,作为某些降血脂药物如他汀类活性筛选动物模型具有其优势。而金黄地鼠胆固醇的合成代谢与人类更为接近,其高血脂模型更有利于进行某些降血脂新药的临床前评价。
中文关键词:高血脂症  金黄地鼠  Wistar大鼠  辛伐他汀
Studies on the application of the hyperlipemia model of golden hamster and Wistar rat
Abstract:Objective:To compare the effect of simvastatin in the hyperlipemia model of the golden hamster and the Wistar rat,discuss the reasonable application of the two animal hyperlipemia models.Methods:Thirty male golden hamsters weighing 100-130 g and thirty male Wistar rat weighing 200-300 g were respectively randomized into 3 groups with 10 in each,named as the normal group,model group and simvastatin group.After the models of hyperlipemia were established,the simvastatin groups were treated with the dosage of 10mg/(kg·d) simvastatin.Observe the effect of simvastatin on lipid level in the 14th and 28th day.Analysed the effect of simvastatin in the two hyperlipemia models.Results:Simvastatin decreased the lipid level of the two hyperlipemia model.The effect in Wistar rat is better than in golden hamster.Conclusion: Wistar rat is more susceptible to simvastatin than golden hamster.The hyperlipemia model of Wistar rat is adapt to the application of the selection of cholesterol-lowering drugs.The hyperlipemia model of golden hamster is suit to the before clinical research of the novel cholesterol-lowering drugs.
keywords:hyperlipemia  hamster  Wistar rat  simvastatin
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