投稿时间:2006-09-22    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1863
全文下载次数: 29
邓渝林 第二军医大学长征医院药学部,上海200003 
唐蕾 第二军医大学长征医院药学部,上海200003 
江春霞 第二军医大学长征医院药学部,上海200003 
李欢欢 第二军医大学长征医院药学部,上海200003 
张纯 第二军医大学长征医院药学部,上海200003 
中文摘要:目的:建立心脏停搏液中盐酸普鲁卡因的含量测定方法。方法:采用紫外分光光度法,检测波长为290 nm。结果:盐酸普鲁卡因在0.5-8μg/mL范围内与吸收度呈线性关系(r=0.9999),平均回收率为98.59%,RSD为0.033%,n=9。结论:该方法操作简便、快速,结果准确,专属性强,适用于心脏停搏液中普鲁卡因的含量测定。
中文关键词:紫外分光光度法  盐酸普鲁卡因  心脏停搏液  含量测定
Determination of procaine hydrochloride in cardiac standstill solution by ultraviolet spectrophotometry
Abstract:Objective:To establish a method for the determination of the content of procaine hydrochloride in cradiac standstill solution. Method:Ultraviolet spectrophotometric method was used to directly determine the content of procaine hydrochloride.The wavelength of detection was 290nm.Results:The liner range was 0.5~8μg/mL(r=0.999 9).The relative recovery of the method was 98.59% with RSD of 0.033%.Conclusions: This method is simple,rapid,accurate and can be used to determine the content of procaine hydrochloride in the preparation.
keywords:E ultraviolet spectrophotometry  procaine hydrochloride  cradiac standstill solution  determination
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