丹参茎、叶中丹酚酸B的HPLC法比较分析 |
投稿时间:2007-05-11 点此下载全文 |
引用本文:李正国,石俊英,张中湖.丹参茎、叶中丹酚酸B的HPLC法比较分析[J].药学实践杂志,2007,(5):307~309 |
摘要点击次数: 1390 |
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中文摘要:目的:建立丹参茎、叶中丹酚酸B的HPLC测定方法,比较不同品种、不同产地、不同采收期丹参茎、叶中丹酚酸B的含量,为进一步合理开发利用丹参茎、叶资源提供理论依据。方法:采用phenomenexC18柱(250mm×4.6 mm,5μm);流动相为甲醇-乙腈-0.25%磷酸溶液(30:10:60);流速为1.0 mL/min;检测波长为286 nm。结果:建立了一个较好的分离和检测条件。工作曲线在(0.488-8.54μg)范围内呈良好的线性关系;平均加样回收率为98.17%。结论:该方法成功用于丹参茎、叶中丹酚酸B的含量测定。不同品种之间丹酚酸B的含量存在差异,其中紫花丹参含量较高。然而对同品种丹参茎叶来说,以泗水产的紫花丹参含量较高,并且8月份采集的含量最高。 |
中文关键词:丹酚酸B 丹参茎叶 HPLC 药物分析 |
Comparative analysis of salvianolic acid B in Danshen leaves and stems by HPLC |
Abstract:Objective: To establish an HPLC method for determination of salvianolic acid B in Danshen leaves and stems,and compare the content of salvianolic acid B in Danshen leaves and stems of different species,different locations and growth stages,so as to supply some evidence for the further exploitation and utilization of Danshen leaves and stems reasonably.Methods: The determination was performed on Phenomenex C18 column(250 mm×4.6 mm 5μm);The mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile-meon-0.25%orthophosphoric acid solution(10∶30∶60) with a flow-rate of 1.0 mL/min.The detecting wavelength was at 286 nm.Results: The calibration curves were good linear regression(r=0.999 9) with measurement ranges(0.488~8.54μg).The recoveries were 98.17%.Conclusions: The method was successfully applied to quantify salvianolic acid B in Danshsen leaves and stems,and salvianolic acid B cotents in Danshsen leaves and stems of different species were not at the same level;Salviae miltiorrhiza Bge contained the higher salvianolic acid B than Salvia miltiorrhiza bge.f.alba.The salvianolic acid B contents in Danshsen leaves and stems from Sishui was the highest in Augest among different locations and growth stages for the same species. |
keywords:Salvianolic acid B Danshsen leaves and stems HPLC pharmaceutical analysis |
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