投稿时间:2006-03-23    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 2164
全文下载次数: 29
时兢 无锡市第一人民医院坊前分院,江苏无锡214111 
赵敏 无锡市第一人民医院坊前分院,江苏无锡214111 
谢卫星 无锡市第一人民医院坊前分院,江苏无锡214111 
喻立新 无锡市第一人民医院坊前分院,江苏无锡214111 
袁惠英 无锡市第一人民医院坊前分院,江苏无锡214111 
中文关键词:乌拉地尔  血管扩张剂  急性左心衰竭  治疗
Comparison of clinical efficacy between urapidil and other vasodilators in acute left heart failure
Abstract:Objective:To evaluate the clinical efficacy between urapidil and other vasodilators in acute left heart failure.Methods: 80 patients with acute left heart failure were randomly divided into 4 groups: urapidil group(n=19),phentolamine group(n=21),sodium nitroprusside group(n=16),nitroglycerin group(n=24).The change of dyspneic respiration,heart rate,blood preasure,and lung rales were recorded respectively in the process of the treatment.Results:Remission rate of dyspnea were 94.7% and 93.8% in urapidil group and sodium nitroprusside group respectively(P>0.05),nitroglycerin group was 47.7%(P<0.01).Incidence of heart rate acceleration were 66.7% and 5.3% in phentolamine group and urapidil group respectively(P<0.01).Incidence of blood pressure lowering and hypotension were 31.3% and 5.3% in sodium nitroprusside group and urapidil group respectively(P<0.05).Effective rate of reducing lung rales were 94.7% and 95.2% respectively(P>0.05),nitroglycerin group was 58.3%(P<0.05).Conclusion:The result proved that urapidil could be used as first aid for patients with acute left heart failure.
keywords:urapidil  vasodilators  acute left heart failure  cure
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