投稿时间:2006-04-14    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1276
全文下载次数: 698
李琦 山东大学药学院,山东 济南250012
山东省胸科医院药剂科,山东 济南250013 
王凤山 山东大学药学院,山东 济南250012 
凌沛学 山东大学药学院,山东 济南250012 
张天民 山东大学药学院,山东 济南250012 
中文关键词:玻璃酸钠  氯霉素  药物释放
Influence of sodium hyaluronate as vehicle on chloramphenicol release in eye drops
Abstract:Objective:To study the influence factores of chloramphenicol release with sodium hyaluronate as vehicle in eye drops. Methods:The penetration rates of chloramphenicol were determined with modified Franz diffusion cell in solutions with different influ-ence factores.Results:The increase of solution viscosity could decrease the release rate of chloramphenicol.The release rates of chlor-amphenicol decreased with the concentrations of sodium hyaluronate increased and increased with the concentrations of chloramphenicol increased.Conclusion:The release rate of chloramphenicol in eye drops is concerned with viscosity of solution and drug concentration, but there is a limite to the drug sustained release by increasing viscosity of solution.
keywords:solution hyaluronate  chloramphenicol  drug release
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