投稿时间:2006-12-25    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1527
全文下载次数: 453
林焕冰 南方医科大学基础部药理学教研室,广东 堰江524005 zhangweidong@summ.edu.cn 
钟文 中国人民解放军第422医院高压氧科,上海200433  
李铁军 第二军医大学药学院,广州 广东510515  
芮耀诚 第二军医大学药学院,广州 广东510515  
徐江平 南方医科大学基础部药理学教研室,广东 堰江524005  
张卫东 第二军医大学药学院,广州 广东510515  
中文关键词:灯盏细辛  灯盏花素  戊巴比妥钠  催眠作用
Influence of Dengzhanxixin injection and breviscapine on the hypnotic effects of pentobarbital sodium in mice
Abstract:Objective:To survey the influence of the Dengzhanxixin injection and breviscapine on the hypnotic effects of pentobar-bital sodium in mice.Methods:ICR mice were randomly divided into 4 equal groups(Dengzhanxixin injection group,breviscapine group,naloxone hydrochloride group and sodium chloride group),effects of drug on mice hypnosis induced by pentoharbital sodium in suprathreshold dose or hypnotic dose was observed.Effects of drugs on mice spontaneous movement and equilibrium function was also observed.Results:Comparing with the group of sodium chloride,the group of Dengzhanxixin injection,breviscapine and naloxone hydrochloride significantly prolonged the time of falling asleep,shorted the duration of hypnosis induced by pentobarbital sodium in su-prathreshold dose in mice respectively(P<0.05),shorted vanishing period of righting reflex in the mice induced by pentobarbital sodi-um in hypnotic dose(P<0.05 ).Conclusion:Dengzhanxixin injection and breviscapine had arousal effects on pentobarbital sodium treated mice.
keywords:Dengzhanxixin injection  breviscapine  pentobarbital sodium  hypnotic effect
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