投稿时间:2005-07-03    点此下载全文
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张亚宁 重庆工学院生物工程学院2003级本科,重庆400050 yxx651116@cqit.edu.cn 
吴博 重庆工学院生物工程学院2003级本科,重庆400050  
杨吉刚 重庆工学院生物工程学院2003级本科,重庆400050  
胥秀英 重庆工学院生物工程学院天然药物实验室,重庆400050  
郑一敏 重庆工学院生物工程学院天然药物实验室,重庆400050  
中文摘要:目的:用高效液相色谱法测定石韦中木犀草素的含量。方法:采用Shimadzu C18柱(150mm×4.6mm,5μm),流动相为甲醇-0.2%H3PO4溶液(50:50),流速1.0mL/min,检测波长254nm,柱温室温,用外标法定量,测定石韦中木犀草素的含量。结果:木犀草素的线性范围0.0325~0.391μg,r=0.9999,回收率95.85%,RSD为0.27%。结论:该方法简便,快速,线性关系良好,适合作为石韦中木犀草素含量测定的方法。
中文关键词:石韦  木犀草素  高效液相色谱法
Quantitative determination of luteolin in Pyrrosia lingua by HPLC
Abstract:Objective:To determine the content of luteolin in Pyrrosia lingua by HPLC.Methods:The HPLC method was used to deter- mine the content of luteolin from Pyrrosia lingua.The analysis was carried out on Shimadzu C18 colunm(150mm×4.6mm,5μm).The mobile phase was MeOH-0.2% H3 PO4(50:50).Flow-rate was 1.0mL/min.Wave-length was 254nm.Temperature was room temperature. Results:The method was simple and had a good linear relationship.The liner range of luteolin is 0.40~2.00μg and gave a correlation (r)of 0.999 6.The recovery,was 95.85%,RSD 0.27%.Conclusion:The method was easy to determine the content of luteolin from Pyrrosia lingua.
keywords:Pyrrosia lingua  luteolin  HPLC
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