投稿时间:2005-11-29    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1445
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鱼爱和 中国人民解放军第261医院,北京100094 
张兰华 中国人民解放军第261医院,北京100094 
杨玉英 中国人民解放军第261医院,北京100094 
中文摘要:目的:建立自制中药制剂展筋丸中马钱子质量控制的方法。方法:采用RP-HPLC法测定马钱子中士的宁与马钱子碱的含量。色谱柱为XTerraTMRPC18柱;以10mmol/L碳酸氢铵溶液(浓氨水调pH至9.5) -乙腈(75:25)为流动相,检测波长为256nm,柱温35℃;展筋丸样品采用碱化后,以三氯甲烷冷浸过夜、超声处理提取。结果:线性范围士的宁为0.432~2.160μg、马钱子碱为0.388~1.940μg。士的宁回收率为100.03%,RSD为2.06%,马钱子回收率为99.41%,RSD为2.41%。结论:本法快速、准确、重现性好,可用于展筋丸中马钱子的质量控制。
中文关键词:展筋丸  马钱子  士的宁  马钱子碱  反相高效液相色谱法
Determination of strychnine and brucine in Zhanjin pills by RP-HPLC
Abstract:Objective:To establish a method for the quality control of Semen Strychni in Zhanjin pills.Methods:An RP-HPLC method for the quantitative determination of strychnine and brucine in Semen Strychni was built.A XTerra TMC18 column(150mm×3.9mm,5μm)was used with a 10mmol/L amonium bicarbonate solution(adjusted to pH 9.5 by ammonia solution)and acetonitrile(75 :25)as the mobile phase.The detective wavelength was 256nm and the column temperature was 35℃.The basifying testing sample was extracted supersonically by chloroform in cold immersion.Results:The linear ranges were 0.432~2.160μg for strychnine and 0.388~1.940μg for brucine.The average recovery and RSD were 100.03% and 2.06% for strychnine,99.41% and 2.41% for bru- cine,respectively.Conclusion:The method was specific,accurate and precise.It could be used for the quality control for Semen Strychni in Zhanjin pills.
keywords:Zhanjin pills  Semen Strychni  strychnine  brucine  RP-HPLC
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