投稿时间:2006-06-29    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1459
全文下载次数: 565
龚纯贵 第二军医大学东方肝胆外科医院药剂科,上海200438 
张国庆 第二军医大学东方肝胆外科医院药剂科,上海200438 
王希营 第二军医大学东方肝胆外科医院药剂科,上海200438 
雷彦辉 第二军医大学东方肝胆外科医院药剂科,上海200438 
中文关键词:仙鹤草  提取物  镇痛  抗炎
Experimental studies of anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of extract from Herba agrimoniae
Abstract:Objective:To investigate the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of extract of Herba agrimoniae.Methods:The anti- inflammatory and analgesic effects of alcohol extract and water extract from Herba agrimoniae were observed by means of acetic acid in- ducing mouse writhing model,hot plate method,dimethylbenzene inducing ear edema model and carrageenan inducing rat voix pedis swell model.Results:It was found that alcohol extract and water extract from Herba agrimoniae markedly reducing the writhing fre- quency induced by acetic acid,significantly increasing the pain threshold in mice induced by hot plate,evidently suppressing the mouse's ear edema induced by dimethylbenzene and significantly mitigating the rat voix pedis swell inducing by carrageenan.The action of alcohol extract was better than which of water extract.Conclusion:The alcohol extract from Herba agrimoniae has notable effects on anti-inflammation and analgesia.
keywords:Herba agrimoniae  extract  analgesia  anti-inflammation
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