投稿时间:2006-02-22    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1084
全文下载次数: 214
李国清 哈尔滨学院,哈尔滨 150086 gaojibo2001@sina.com. 
李抒诗 哈尔滨卫生学校,哈尔滨 150010  
高金波 佳木斯大学化学与药学院,佳木斯 154007  
刘研 佳木斯大学化学与药学院,佳木斯 154007  
中文摘要:目的:考察室温下8h内乳酸环丙沙星与7种常用注射液的配伍稳定性。方法:采用褶合光谱法, 结合外观和pH值检查法, 并以差谱值予以定量表达。结果:在8h内乳酸环丙沙星和乳酸钠注射液配伍外观有变化, 其余配伍溶液外观均无变化;pH值较稳定。用褶合光谱法考察结果乳酸环丙沙星与6种常用输液配伍的差谱值均<10%, 与乳酸钠注射液配伍1~8h的差谱值均大于20%。结论:室温8小时内, 除乳酸环丙沙星与乳酸钠注射液不可以配伍使用外, 与其他6种常用输液是可以配伍使用的。
中文关键词:褶合光谱法  乳酸环丙沙星  药物配伍稳定性  常用输液
Observation of the stability of common injections mixed with ciprofloxacin lactate by convolution spectrometry
Abstract:Objective:To observe the chemical stability of seven common injections mixed with ciprofloxacin lactate at room tem-perature for 8 hours.Methods:The appearance of mixed injection was observed and pH was tested.The convolution spectrometry was used.The results were described quantitatively by subtract spectrometry value.Results:The subtract spectrometry values of ciprofloxa-cin mixed with six infusions were less than 10%.The subtract spectrometry values of ciprofloxacin lactate mixed with sodium lactate in-jection were 1.57%, 31.76%, 26.46%, 22.85% in 2~8hours.Conclusion:At room temperature for 8 hours ciprofloxacin mixed with six infusions can be used, and ciprofloxacin lactate mixed with sodium lactate injection can't be used.
keywords:convolution spectrometry  observation of stability of drugs  ciprofloxacin lactate  infusions
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