投稿时间:2006-01-15    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1509
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胡建国 上海市药品检验所化学二室,上海 200233 
乐键 上海市药品检验所化学二室,上海 200233 
刘长海 上海市药品检验所化学二室,上海 200233 
陈桂良 上海市药品检验所化学二室,上海 200233 
中文摘要:目的:毛细管电泳和高效液相作氨氯地平异构体分离分析研究。方法:毛细管电泳采用未涂渍熔融石英毛细管75μm×68cm(有效长度50cm);优化选择浓度为100mmol/L的Tris缓冲液, 含有1.0%羟丙基-β-CD(用磷酸调节pH至3.0);分离电压18kV;温度15℃。高效液相色谱柱为ULTRON ES-OVM手性柱, 流动相:乙腈-0.02mol/L磷酸二氢钠溶液(pH 7.0)(20∶80);流速1.0ml/min。结果:氨氯地平对映异构体分离良好。结论:该方法简单可靠、专属性强。
中文关键词:毛细管电泳  氨氯地平  手性
Separation of Enantiomer of Amlodipine by CE and HPLC
Abstract:Objective:Separation of enantiomer of amlodipine by CE and HPLC.Methods:Different separation conditions such as buffer pH, the concentration of the chiral selector, buffer concentrations, temperature and applied voltage, etc.were studied and op-timized.The separation was finally conducted in 100mM orthophosphoric acid-Tris buffer (pH3.0) with 1.0% (w/w) HP-β-CD.The applied voltage was 16kV and the temperature 15℃.Results:Both CE and HPLC could give enantiomer of amlodipine resolution for adrenaline.Conclusion:The method proved to be specific and accurate
keywords:capillary electrophoresis  amlodipine  chiral
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