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杨忠东 南京军区福州总医院药学科,福建 福州 350025 
肖华 南京军区福州总医院药学科,福建 福州 350025 
中文摘要:目的:配制氧氟沙星漱口液, 并考察其稳定性。方法:通过参考有关资料确定处方、制备方法, 并采用紫外分光光度法测定其氧氟沙星含量, 采用初均速法考察其稳定性。结果:初均速法考察稳定性, 线性关系良好, 预测其室温有效期为t0.9=310d。氧氟沙星回收率为99.6%, RSD=2.0%(n=5)。结论:该制剂稳定性良好, 可作为临床辅助治疗药物。
中文关键词:氧氟沙星  漱口液  稳定性
Studies on ofloxacin gargle preparation and its stability
Abstract:Objective:To prepare ofloxacin gargle and observe its stability.Methods:Referring to relative literature, the formula and preparing procedure of ofloxacin gargle were established, the stability of the gargle was observed by using initial average rate meth-od.Results:The linear relationship was good in the initial average rate method.The expective effective time at room temperature (t0.9) was was more than 310 days.Ofloxacin's recycle rate was 99.6%.Conclusion:The preparation has good stability, and can be used as clinical therapeutic medicine.
keywords:ofloxacin  gargle  stability
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