围手术期抗菌药物应用情况的调查分析 |
投稿时间:2006-02-27 点此下载全文 |
引用本文:姚远兵,蔡和平,王卓,胡晋红.围手术期抗菌药物应用情况的调查分析[J].药学实践杂志,2006,(5):277~280 |
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中文摘要:目的:观察某三级医院外科手术病人抗菌药物应用的现状及合理性。方法:根据事先设计好的调查表, 按统一的填表要求收集5个科室97例手术病人的出院病例, 依据《抗菌药物指导原则》对病例作回顾性调查分析。结果:97例外科出院手术病人中, 使用抗菌药物合理的56例, 不合理的41例。不合理联合用药发生的频率最高, 有17例, 其次为药物选择与适应证、用法与用量、预防用药等方面不合理, 分别为16例、16例、13例;抗菌药物的使用分布以头孢菌素类、青霉素类和氨基糖苷类为主, 三者约占72.32%。结论:加强《抗菌药物临床应用指导原则》的管理, 执行规范的围手术抗菌药物的使用原则非常重要。 |
中文关键词:抗菌药物 合理用药 调查分析 |
Survey of perioperation use of antimicrobials |
Abstract:Objective:To investigate the present situation of antimicrobial usage in the patients who underwent surgical operation in a three-grade hospital.Methods:According to the designed table with unified contents and standard, a retrospective investigation was made in 97 operated patients who had been discharged from the hospital.Results:In the 97 patients who underwent surgical oper-ation, antibacterial use in 56 patients was rational, 41 patients had irrational antibacterial use.The irrational antibacterial combination use happened most frequently and the cases were 17, the other irrational aspects were antibacterial selection and indication, usage and dosage, preventive medication, the cases were 16, 16, 13 respectively;of all antimicrobials used, cephalosporins were used most fre-quently, penicilins were the second, then were aminoglycosides.These three kinds of antibiotics accounted for 72.32% of all antibiot-ics used.Conclusion:The results show that it is very important to strengthen and improve the management of the antimicrobial use in a normal and standard way in hospital. |
keywords:antimicrobial rational application survey |
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