投稿时间:2006-01-20    点此下载全文
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蒯丽萍 第二军医大学药学院药事管理学教研室,上海 200433 
于永生 第二军医大学药学院药事管理学教研室,上海 200433 
孙晓红 沈阳军区联勤部药材仓库,辽宁 沈阳 110003 
陈盛新 第二军医大学药学院药事管理学教研室,上海 200433 
中文摘要:目的:比较分析ABC法和排序分析法在控制药品库存费用方面的差别和优劣。方法:收集一个1000张床位的教学医院1年的药品采购数据, 分别用ABC法和排序分析法进行处理。结果:由ABC分析法得到该医院2002年度库存药品的A类, 共215个品种, 占全部库存品种的17%;库存量7167万个单位, 占库存总量的46.41%, 金额2.7598亿元, 占全部库存额的80.06%。由排序分析法得到库存药品重点管理品种共512种, 占库存品种的40%, 库存量13900万个单位, 占库存总量的90.01%, 金额3.1417亿元, 占总金额的91.15%。结论:排序分析法克服了ABC法在实际操作中的不足之处, 有利于提高医院药品库存管理的效率和效益。
中文关键词:排序分析  重点管理  库存量  品种数  药品库存管理  分析法  药品名称  总金额  库存品  药品采购
Application of sort-based analysis techniques in hospital pharmacy
Abstract:Objective:To compare the differences and advantages in the application of sort-based analysis and ABC inventory theo-ry in hospital pharmacy.Methods:Drug inventory data were collected from a teaching hoapital with 1000 beds.The data were calculat-ed through the application of ABC inventory theory and sort-based analysis.Results:A items were classified by ABC inventory theory, which had 215 items(17 percent of total items), 71.67 million units(46.41 percent of total inventory units) with 275.98 million yuan in whole cost (80.06 percent of total inventory costs);and the important items were classified by sort-based analysis which had 512 i-tems (40 percent of total items), 139 million units (90.01 percent of total inventory units) with 314.17 million yuan in whole cost (91.15 percent of total inventory costs).Conclusion:sort-based analysis can fetch up some shortages of ABC inventory theory in op-eration process, which should be used to improve the efficiency of inventory management in hospital pharmacy.
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