投稿时间:2006-04-30    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1299
全文下载次数: 626
崔黎萍 上海第一医药股份有限公司,上海 200001 
中文关键词:药学服务  咨询  药师  药历
Retrospective analysis of pharmaceutical care in GPP drug-store
Abstract:Objective: To discuss the ways and methods of pharmaceutical care in retail pharmacy. Methods: Information, based on pharmaceutical care consultation records and drug history database from 2003/7 to 2006/3 in GPP drug-store of Shanghai No. 1 Pharmacy CO. ,LTD. , was analyzed statistically. Results:There are 72 records concerning medicine consultation monthly, 90% of the consultants being middle and old aged people and including the problems of diseases, medicine selection, usage, side effect and drug price. Conclusion: Consumers strongly need retail pharmacy to provide pharmaceutical care and retail drug-store should actively practice "Guideline of Good Pharmacy Practice". Pharmacist in retail drug-store should play their key role in pharmaceutical care to meet the growing need of society in health.
keywords:pharmaceutical care  consultation  pharmacist  pharmaceutical care database
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