投稿时间:2005-07-11    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1239
全文下载次数: 168
傅翔 南京军区福州总医院药剂科,福建福州350025 
陈锦华 南京军区福州总医院统计室,福建福州350025 
邱慧斌 福建医科大学药学院,福建福州350001 
中文关键词:用药分析  肾移植用药  合理用药
Drug utilization analysis of renal transplant inpatients during 2002~2004 in our hospital
Abstract:Objective:To analyze the situation and trend of the drug utilization of renal transplant inpatients in our hospital,and promote rational drug use.Methods:the records and relevant data of renal transplant inpatients during 2002-2004 were collected, and analyzed according to drug cost and defined daily dose (DDDs)ranking.Results:Total drug cost per case,daily drug cost per patient and total drug cost were increasing during 2002-2004.The top 20 drugs of cost ranking were mainly immunosuppressant,anti bacterials,anti-ulcer and anti-embolism drugs,and the DUIs were not more than 1.Conclusion:It shows that the drug utilization of renal transplant inpatients is basically rational,however something unreasonable should not be ignored,for instance,too expensive and much more antibacterials used.
keywords:drug utilization analysis  drugs of renal transplant  rational drug use
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