投稿时间:2005-07-01    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1544
全文下载次数: 287
徐江红 中国人民解放军第94医院,江西南昌330002 
李刚 中国人民解放军第94医院,江西南昌330002 
简晓霞 中国人民解放军第94医院,江西南昌330002 
中文关键词:药品储存  分类管理  限量设定
Classified management and storage limitation in drug stock control
Abstract:Objective:To analyse the function of the ABC rule of periodical and quantitative management in managing drug stock control.Methods:Setted the lower and the upper limitation of the storage of every kind of drug with the ABC rule of periodical and quantitative management. Results:The drug stock was controlled within the amount of sale in 7 days effectively.The velocity of fund was also speed up,and the frequency of purchase was reduced in the same time.Conclusion:The ABC rule of periodical and quantitative management can set limitation more reasonable and convenient,and easier to put in practice than other ways.
keywords:drug stock control  classified management  storage limitation
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