投稿时间:2005-09-14    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1603
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郭澄 上海交通大学附属第六人民医院药剂科, 上海, 200233 
郑清明 上海交通大学附属第六人民医院药剂科, 上海, 200233
第二军医大学药学院生药学教研室 上海 200433 
郑汉臣 第二军医大学药学院生药学教研室 上海 200433 
中文摘要:目的 研究元宝草中活性成分的抗抑郁作用.方法 利用拮抗利血平诱导体温下降实验和小鼠强迫游泳实验考察元宝草总黄酮等成分的抗抑郁活性.结果 元宝草总黄酮成分(总黄酮含量68.30%)能有效缩短小鼠的游泳不动时间,且存在剂量依赖关系,总黄酮低中高三个剂量组分别为150mg/(kg·d),300mg/(kg·d),600mg/(kg·d)(灌胃),与生理盐水组比较,不动时间分别减少了5.97%,41.85%和45.96%.拮抗利血平实验表明,总黄酮成分低中高三个剂量分别为150mg(kg·d),300mg/(kg·d),600mg/(kg·d)(灌胃)能一定程度拮抗低剂量利血平(5mg/kg,腹腔注射)诱导的小鼠体温下降.然而三个剂量组之间不具有量效关系.结论 黄酮成分是元宝草中主要的抗抑郁活性成分.
中文关键词:元宝草  总黄酮  抗抑郁
The Study of antidepressant activity of the total flavonoids product from Hypericum sampsonii Hance
Abstract:Objective To observe the antidepressant activity of the active components from Hypericum sampsonii Hance. Methods The total flavonoids product from H. sampsonii were examined by Forced Swimming Test(FST) and Reserpine Reversal Test(RRT) in mice. Results Three doses(150mg/(kg·d), 300mg/(kg·d) and 600mg/(kg·d), i.g.) of the total flavonoids product(contains 68.30% total flavonoids) from H. sampsonii were examined by FST in mice, which reduced duration immobility with dose response by 5.97%, 41.85% and 45.96% respectively. In addition, the different doses of the total flavonoids(150mg/(kg·d), 300mg/(kg·d) and 600mg/(kg·d), i.g.) were examined by RRT, which induced hypothermia by low dose reserpine(5mg/kg, i.p.). In this study, the three doses of total flavonoids reversed hypothermia to some extent but with no dose response relationship. Conclusion The flavonoids compounds are the antidepressant components from H. sampsonii Hance.
keywords:H. sampsonii Hance  total flavonoids product  antidepressant activity
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