投稿时间:2005-07-24    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1767
全文下载次数: 1383
李群安 中国人民解放军第303医院药剂科, 广西, 南宁, 530021 
中文摘要:目的 探讨健康成年女性不同年龄组肝代谢功能的差别.方法 用RP-HPLC检测49例18~34岁.46例35~50岁,18例51~60岁成年女性健康受试者的唾液咖啡因清除率(SCL).结果 18~34岁年龄组的SCL在正常值范围,18~34岁年龄组、35~50岁年龄组和51~60岁年龄组各组间比较,差别显著(P<0.001).结论 女性随着年龄的增长,SCL下降,肝代谢功能减低.
中文关键词:成年女性  咖啡因  肝代谢功能
Study on liver metabolism function in adult female at different ages
Abstract:Objective To investigate the difference of liver metabolism function in healthy adult female at different ages. Methods The saliva caffeine clearance(SCL) was determined by RP-HPLC method in 49 healthy adult females aged 18~34 years, 46 aged 35~50 and 18 aged 51~60 years. Results The SCL of 18~34 year group was normal. There was significant difference between 18~34 year group and others(P<0.001), significant difference was also found between 35~50 year group and 51~60 year group(P<0.001). Conclusion The SCL in female decreased with age and the liver metabolism function become lower.
keywords:adult female  caffeine clearance  liver metabolism function
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