投稿时间:2005-08-02    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1729
全文下载次数: 2120
赵楠 延边大学药学院, 吉林, 延吉, 133000 
汤真 中国人民解放军第208医院, 吉林, 长春, 130062 
李健 中国人民解放军第208医院, 吉林, 长春, 130062 
王艳萍 中国人民解放军第208医院, 吉林, 长春, 130062 
王伟东 中国人民解放军第208医院, 吉林, 长春, 130062 
谢华通 中国人民解放军第208医院, 吉林, 长春, 130062 
严小鹏 中国人民解放军第208医院, 吉林, 长春, 130062 
中文关键词:口腔崩解片  崩解剂  速释制剂
A new solid dosage form:orally disintegrating tablets
Abstract:A new oral solid dosage form of rapidly disintegrating tablets have attracted increasing attention by its novel characteristics, such as fast disintegration, rapid absorption, high bioavailability, convient taking and so on. The dosage form brings great benefits to children and elderly people, especially those who have difficulities in swallowing. This article mainly describes the fast disintegration mechanism of orally disintegrating tablets, some preparation methods and excipients. The key quality properties are disintegrating time and dissolution. Finally, the article introduces some products that have already come into market.
keywords:orally disintegrating tablets  disintegrant  dosage form of rapidly disintegrating
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