投稿时间:2004-02-26    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1298
全文下载次数: 1055
刘旭华 中国人民解放军第85医院药品器材供应站, 上海, 200052 
白宗仁 中国人民解放军第85医院药品器材供应站, 上海, 200052 
陈盛新 第二军医大学药学院药事管理学教研室, 上海, 200433 
中文摘要:目的 提高军队突发公共卫生事件应急药材保障能力.方法 分析我军应急药材保障现状及存在的问题.结果 提出相应的对策扣建议,建立和完善军队突发公共卫生事件应急药材供应保障体系.结论 军队突发公共卫生事件应急药材供应体系的完善和建立,对提高我军应急卫勤保障能力、维护和提高部队整体应急作战能力具有重要的意义.
中文关键词:公共卫生  突发事件  SARS  军队  药材  系统
Discussing and improving the status of emergency medical supply about the supplying station of P. L. A. in emergency time
Abstract:Objective To develop the ability of emergency medical supply of the P.L.A.during emergencies. Method Analyze the problem of the Emergency Pharmaceutical Supply of the P.L.A.meeting in the period of SARS. Result: Put forward counter-measures and advice to develop and improve the Emergency Pharmaceutical Supply System of the P.R.C.Conclusion The development and improvement of the Emergency medical Supply System of the P.L.A has great significance to enhance the ability of the whole emergency-response systems of the P.L.A.
keywords:public health  emergercy accident  army  medical supplies  systeem.
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