投稿时间:2004-09-01    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 994
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朱海涛 郧阳医学院附属太和医院 
邓雪华 郧阳医学院, 湖北, 十堰, 442000 
陈黎 郧阳医学院附属太和医院 
杜士明 郧阳医学院附属太和医院 
涂自良 郧阳医学院附属太和医院 
陈吉炎 郧阳医学院附属太和医院 
中文摘要:目的 制备依普黄酮胶囊剂,建立依普黄酮胶囊剂的含量测定方法.方法 用L-HPC、微晶纤维素等辅料制备依普黄酮胶囊,采用紫外分光光度法进行含量测定,检测波长为300.4nm.结果 在3.95-15.79μg/ mL浓度范围内吸收度与浓度呈良好线性关系(r=0.999 9),平均回收率为100.4%,RSD为1.2%(n=5).结论 制备该胶囊工艺简单,质量可控.
中文关键词:依普黄酮  胶囊剂  紫外分光光度法  含量测定
Preparation and determination of ipriflavone capsules
Abstract:Objective To prepare and establish a method for determination of ipriflavone capsules. Methods Ipriflavone capsules were prepared by L-HPC and microcrystalline cellulose et al. It's content was determinated with the wavelength of 300. 4nm by spec-trophotometry.Results The content of ipriflavone and absorbance was good linear relation in the range of 3.95 - 15.79 μg/mL (r=0.9999), with average percent recovery 100.4% and RSD 1.2% (n=5). Conclusion The technological process is simple and quality is controllable.
keywords:ipriflavone  capsules  spectrophotometry  determination
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