回顾性分析357例次小儿抗癫痫药物血药浓度 |
投稿时间:2005-06-22 点此下载全文 |
引用本文:蔡少华,龙冬兰,蔡韬艺.回顾性分析357例次小儿抗癫痫药物血药浓度[J].药学实践杂志,2005,(4):@ |
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中文摘要:目的 回顾性分析4种常用抗癫痫药在儿童癫痫治疗中的血药浓度监测情况,以利指导合理用药.方法 采用HPLC法测定丙戊酸钠、卡马西平、苯巴比妥和苯妥英钠4种常用抗癫痫药物的血药浓度.结果 血药浓度在治疗窗内占47.1%,高于治疗窗占7.0%,低于治疗窗占45.9%.常规服药的患者有49.8%血药浓度在治疗窗内,联合用药致血药浓度偏离治疗窗达76.2%.结论 儿童使用抗癫痫药物监测血药浓度是指导临床用药的重要依据,特别是联合用药尤其应密切监测. |
中文关键词:抗癫痫药 血药浓度 儿童 |
Antiepileptic drug serum concentration analysis: Retrospective study of 357 children's cases |
Abstract:Objective The results of serum concentration monitoring of 4 antiepileptic drugs with 357 measurements in 164 epilepsy children were evaluated in order to guide clinical rational administration of these antiepileptic drugs.Methods The serum concentration of antiepileptic drugs sodium valproate (VPA), carbamazepine (CBZ),sodium phenytoin (PHT) and phenobarbital (PB) were monitored by HPLC.Results The rate of serum concentrations which were in theraputic window is 47.1%,and which were lower and higher Than theraputic window are 45.9% and 7.0% respectively.The serum concentrations in normal range are founded in only 49.8% of all patients by routine administration, and deviate from normal range by 76.2% in combination with other drugs.Conclusion Serum concentration monitor is an important basis for the treatment of children's epilepsies with antiepileptic drugs, especially in combination with other drugs. |
keywords:antiepileptic drug serum concentration children |
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